31 days ago I hit reset. I kicked off with a 100-day yoga challenge and two books “Limitless” by Jim Kwik and “10 Mindful Minutes” by Goldie Hawn. I’m not going to say it’s been smooth sailing, it hasn’t. There have been some pretty intense and challenging days, but here I am over a month in and almost finished with both books, and it feels pretty good.

Realizing that we have the ability to refocus our energy physically, emotionally, or professionally is a powerful tool. And when we have the awareness to recognize we need it, is even more powerful. The challenge is that many of us have been trained to think that we can always power through, or maybe that’s just my competitive spirit ;) The truth is, we need to reset sometimes once every couple of months or multiple times within the same day. And that is not only okay, it’s encouraged!

Most recently, I hit reset after a few fun visits with family and friends; we had a great time and I was very fortunate to be able to see them despite the current state. But amidst all the catching up, my productivity rapidly dropped and after they left I was struggling to get moving again. I would wake up ready to start the day and get some work done, yet find myself an hour later baking cashew cookies (they’re amazing and addictive).

I simply love distractions! I mean really, who doesn’t love getting caught in the moment and simply doing whatever you want, whenever you want. And while I do believe it’s important to fly by the seat of your pants, sometimes (like when you’re starting a business) you really just need to buckle down and focus. The goal for this reset was to kick start some good habits and so far, so good.

What do you need to hit reset on?

Yoga & Mindfullness Reset

Tips for a reset:

  • Don’t try to conquer the world, pick one goal
  • Pick a SMART Goal: Simple. Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. Time-based.
  • Be nice to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall off track, take a deep breath and start over

Re-Set. Re-Align. Re-Start. Re-Claim. Re-Ignite.